Utah SEO Company Profile: The Firm That’s Changing the Game

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Premier SEO Services is a brand new Utah SEO company that is making waves in the online marketing industry. Our goals and our mission statement are very simple: drive meaningful and measurable results for our clients with affordable, individualized services.

Why is Our Utah SEO Company Different from the Rest?

seo services pyramidAt Premier SEO Services, our primary objective is to create a sustainable foundation for the business success of every client we work with. We are teachers as well as doers.

While we will be taking care of everything you need front to back, we want you to know the how’s and why’s of it all. We do work with long-term projects and monthly content creation (and we love doing it), but our Utah SEO company is dedicated to making sure that once our work is done you don’t fall behind.

We work with clients all across the nation, but we are a Utah SEO company that’s dedicated to helping the local business communities of our great state flourish and compete. The business climate here is ripe with expansion and growth, and we want to help you take advantage of that.

What Can We Do for You?

If you need basic information about how SEO works and why, please refer to Are SEO Services Right For You?. Additionally, I love this Forbes online guide about SEO (it’s short, sweet, and covers all the basics if the SEO stuff confuses you).

That being said, there are a few primary objectives that we set out to accomplish for business marketing.

  • Create an online presence and visibility with your target market.
  • Utilize blogs and social media to boost visibility, create thought leadership, and drive organic traffic (new search visitors) to your site.
  • Create online web content (ad copy) that will help you convert new leads and close more sales, both online and offline.

social media buttonWe strategically employ every one of these methods (and more) to get the gears turning for your business online. The candid fact is that if your customers and clients can’t find you online you are leaving limitless amounts of revenue on the table.

Our Utah SEO company specializes in driving brand new consumers to your page, and breaking you into niche markets that your marketing plan has likely missed out on.

Your website can and should be making money for you, and we’re here to make sure it does just that.

Let Our Utah SEO Company Help Your Business Grow

We’d love to hear from you. We are confident that we have the experience, resources, and customer service skills needed to help your business grow. There’s no cost to call us for a consultation and learn more, and if you don’t see what you need in our service package, custom projects are available (and encouraged). You can feel free to check out our SEO services by following the hyperlink, call us at the number at the top of the screen, or navigate to our contact us section.

Utah SEO Company Premier SEO Services

Our Utah SEO company is looking forward to working with you!

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How to Increase Online Sales and Website Traffic: A Complete Guide

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Learning how to increase online sales and website traffic can seem like a daunting task. There’s no ceiling so even for us pros, strategic creativity needs to be employed to ensure the success and growth of our businesses.

While there is no golden strategy for how to increase online sales you can take steps to make sure you’re maximizing the potential of your brand and website. There’s a reason why increasing website traffic is also a key focus in this article. This is because you can’t learn how to increase online sales if you can’t increase inbound organic traffic first.

Why Organic Traffic Is Important to Increasing Online Sales

Web Traffic Showing Visitors And Hits To WebsiteIf you’re already savvy with online marketing, bear with me for a second while we cover the basics.
‘For Dummies’ makes it really easy for you to understand organic traffic with this post, so if you want to delve a little further check it out here.
Essentially organic traffic is comprised of visitors that find you in search results. For example, if you found this post by searching on Google for tips on how to increase online sales and website traffic, you are part of my site’s organic traffic. This is what you desperately need before you even bother trying to learn how to increase online sales for your business.

How to Increase Your Website Traffic

If you’re an established brand with advertisements running, you’ve probably got your primary niche markets locked down. You might even have some repeat business. When growth is your goal, though, we need to focus on exposing new consumers to your brand. When people ask me how to increase online sales for their business, my answer will always be “tap the new markets”.

Brainstorm anything and everything you can think of about your endless pool of potential customers. Think about any problem that could be solved with your services. Consider any desire that could be fulfilled by your product. If you want to learn how to increase your online sales, you must first determine where your product has the most value. Take 5-10 minutes to complete this when you get started.

That list you have in front of you is now your topic list, and it’s your golden ticket to success. I’m assuming if you’re reading this you have a blog already. If you don’t, stop here and read our article about blogging for small businesses first. It is the how’s and why’s of the practical application I’m about to give you.

Blog Button For Blogger Or Blogging WebsitesNow, using your blog and your new topic list, you are going to generate as much content as you can handle. This content is going to be what drives organic traffic to your page. Before we go into how to increase online sales with these resources, you must follow some basic guidelines in writing your content.

  • It must have an attention grabbing (and preferably keyword optimized) title.
  • It must be search engine optimized. If you don’t know how to do this or what this is, check out are SEO services right for you? in our website.
  • It must be written with your audience in mind, and provide original and useful information.
  • You’ll want to look up basic formatting techniques for blogging. For an in depth guide, you can check out our post about the anatomy of a good blog post.

Each post you make in your blog is going to be targeting a brand new niche market and drive new eyes to your site. It’s important that you keep the flow of content uninterrupted and consistent.

How to Increase Online Sales With Your Blog Content

This is actually the most simple part of the process here. All you need in addition to the steps I listed above is some good ad copy. Let’s say you’re an electrician and you decided to blog about how updating the wiring in a home can increase its value.

This is great because instead of just your average homeowner, you’re targeting an untapped market of real estate management and investment companies that would benefit from your service. There’s no magic word that subconsciously closes the deal. There’s no shady sales tactics that ensure success. It’s all about finding a problem you can reasonably and easily solve.

Closing saleYour call to action is the most important part of this step. You need to empower your readers to take action and solve the problem your article is covering using the steps you’ve outlined. More importantly, offer them some help. They now see a clear path to achieving their goals, but it’s your job to tell them why your company is the best option for them.

Believe it or not, this is exactly what I’ve done in this very article. Most of you reading this are entrepreneurs, not experienced writers or marketers. For a lot of you, the ins and outs of SEO make your head spin and sitting down to write a bunch of 1,000 word articles makes you want to cry. Luckily for you I know how to do this well (as you can tell), and if you need some help long-term or short-term, Premier SEO Services is your one stop shop.

You can learn about our SEO services, or you can drop me a line at the number above or our contact form here. Whether you want to pull the trigger on some professional help, or just want to chat with someone who can give you some basic pointers on how to increase online sales for your business, I’d love to hear from you.

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Social Media for Business Growth: A Basic Guide to Brand Success

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Utilizing social media for business growth is crucial to the success of your brand. In this day and age, there’s no way around this fact. If you don’t know why proper social media management is so important for your business, I highly recommend you follow the hyperlink (don’t worry, it opens in a new window) before going any further.

Here’s the secret: the entrepreneurs that drown in the age of technology almost always ignore
the use of social media for business purposes. Don’t worry, all hope is not lost. We’ve put together a concise guide to help you whip your business into shape online.

Step One: The Fundamentals

  • Get as many accounts as you can handle, and that are relevant to your business.
  • Make sure there is continuity; basic information should be readily available and updated across all of your platforms.
  • Commit to long-term and consistent use of every single profile.

I cannot stress enough to my clients that every social media platform you don’t use is wasted money. While sponsored advertising is another story entirely (and we will get there), using social media for business marketing is free and incredibly easy to get started. vector-social-media-illustration_zJdnA2B__L

You see, social networking changed the way we act as consumers. Marketing, in essence, has always been about creating a need and building value. When the age of social media arose, this alone was no longer enough. Customers and clients want more than just a solid product now. They can likely do a Google search and find dozens of other businesses similar to yours. Your strategy must adapt to this reality.

If your market is looking for you on social media, you need to actually be there. More importantly, you need to have what they’re looking for when they find you.

Step Two: Content

Great, you’ve got your pages and pertinent information updated. It’s time to start posting (or at least start posting correctly). Using social media for business is not solely (or even mostly) about promoting. Your content needs to vary in both form and purpose.

You cannot achieve success with statuses alone. Your followers engage with photos, videos, informational articles, and more every single day. When they know they can get all of this and more on your pages, they’re going to visit and engage often. Try different types of media and see what gets the most engagement from your audience.

These things in mind, we can focus on purpose. You can share a million different forms of media and still bore your audience to death. You need to put yourself in the consumer’s shoes when using social media for business purposes. Try brainstorming with these prompts:vector-social-media-concept_Gy3IChH__L

  • What does my target market find humorous?
  • What problems do they have that are related to my product or services? How do they want to solve these problems?
  • What can I offer to my audience that they want or need?
  • How can I provoke discussion on my pages within these audiences?

If you see a relevant meme that your followers would find funny, share it. If there’s a current event that affects your industry, talk about it. Share the news piece and ask for their thoughts. If you have a cache of knowledge about a subject, post tips and tricks that will give your audience an ‘aha’ feeling.

Step Three: Continue to Use Social Media for Business Growth

There are a myriad of ways to approach growth once you’ve started properly using social media for business. You’ve got the basics down and you’re gaining some traction with your networks, so now what?

Sponsored advertising is a great way to get followers or likes very quickly, but it can get costly and frustrating. Facebook does not automatically serve up your posts to everyone who’s liked you. In fact you probably won’t show up on the news feed of half of your followers. Backing up important or popular posts with a paid promotion is easy, but giving shareable content that circulates fast is easier. outdoor-advertising-constructions-vector_fJZ71ZDd_L

For a more in depth look at sponsored advertising, Social Times has a great post about it here (let them know we sent you).

Add some incentive for people to circulate your content and increase that organic reach with a call to action or reward. If your content is good enough, even a few shares from your personal page and immediate friend circle can start a viral wildfire.

I’m Not Sure If I Can Handle This/I’m Still Having Trouble

This is a lot of information to take in and sadly, we’d need a whole e-book to cover everything there is to learn about social media for business. All hope is not lost though. I have 2 recommendations if one of the above applies to you.

1. Be Patient
2. Hire a Professional

It is more than possible to go DIY on your social marketing strategy, but it’s hard at first. If you don’t have the skill set or the patience to go at it alone, hiring a reputable firm to manage your social media for you is your best bet.

If you’re interested in learning about how our firm can help you implement some of what I’ve outlined, check out our social media management services or drop us a line by clicking here.

Premier SEO Services

Your brand has potential. Your brand has marketability. Put it to work. Stick with the fundamentals and you can use social media for business success.

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Blogging for Small Businesses-Generating Leads in the Digital Age

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Blogging for small businesses is one of the easiest (and cheapest) ways to accomplish just about any revenue, branding, or growth goals you could think of. Almost every major corporation is now utilizing business blogs to compete in the online world and there’s a few very good reasons for it.blog

  • Every single blog post can drive organic traffic to your page. More organic traffic means more potential leads and sales.
  • Blogs position you as a thought leader in your industry. That’s a different discussion entirely but for more on this, Forbes published a great article in February I highly recommend.
  • Blogging for small businesses can help solidify the most important aspect of their market: brand loyalty.

We’ll be discussing some of the finer details in a moment, but first let’s address the ‘why’s’ behind small business blogs.

Small Businesses Need Exposure

Your first thought is probably “duh”, but let me explain here. Every business wants general exposure through press or word of mouth, but the key to drumming up new clients online is exposing yourself to brand new niches.

I talk a lot about primary markets in my post about restaurant branding if you want some more info, but I’ll touch on it again very briefly. The largest, most obvious target audience for your business is what I call your ‘primary market’. Basic professional SEO work should get your website visible to these audiences with a bit of time and TLC. This is important, of course, if you plan on being an industry leader. This being said, if you stop there you’re leaving enormous amounts of potential customers or leads untouched.

Target Market Means Aiming At Business AudienceLet’s pretend you are a local music store. Of course you want to be one of the first pages that pops up when someone searches for ‘music stores (your hometown)’. Reeling this traffic in is your website’s job. But what about the more specific search phrases? When we do blogging for small businesses, this becomes a huge part of our strategic approach.

You must also hook the people that are searching for ‘used guitars (your hometown)’ or ‘instrument rentals (your hometown)’. Furthermore, someone searching for advice on picking out or cleaning an instrument, choosing strings, etc. is someone you could potentially turn into a client. A great example of this is a piece I wrote for Larusso’s music blog about how to promote your music. The piece offers helpful information to a new niche that otherwise wouldn’t have landed on the page.
*If you do online sales, the beautiful thing about this is that you can reach a national audience quickly, even though you’re local.*
Whether you’re blogging for small businesses or fortune 500 companies, this element is essential.

Content is the Key

When you’re doing blogging for small businesses, the first thing you figure out is that the key to success is having a ton of content. The more shareable content you can churn out, the more keywords you can rank for. Most importantly, it keeps traffic going to your site at all times. No, it’s not easy but it is possible and incredibly important to success.

This guys knows what I'm talking about.

This guy knows what I’m talking about.

Let’s put things in perspective. When you want advice about a specific topic or you want to see what’s going on in the news world, you probably have a few go-to sites. I’m willing to bet that 9/10 times you’ve found these sites from someone sharing content or doing a generic search. This is the kind of marketing potential your business has when you’ve got a blog rich with information and engaging content.

When I’m doing long-term blogging for small businesses, I try to identify any consumer interests that are relevant to my client’s product or service. Doing this makes increasing organic traffic simple and effective.

Why Hired Professionals are Blogging for Small Businesses

Some of you are tech savvy, go-getting entrepreneurs who are more than capable of taking on this task alone. Many of you, however, may feel like your brain has been fried a little bit. Don’t worry, that’s ok. Most small business owners have decided to outsource the work to industry professionals.

The plain and simple truth is that for less than the cost of 1 month of printed ad space, you could hire an SEO or blogging firm to create content that can reach larger markets and never stops running. For this reason, it has enormous ROI potential for entrepreneurs who are investing their marketing budgets in online services.

Premier SEO ServicesPremier SEO Services does a lot, but we specialize in blogging for small businesses that want to expand their customer base. If you need help putting applying these techniques to your business, contact us now. We’d love to hear from you!

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Restaurant Branding: The Last Strategy You’ll Ever Need

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In the food industry, effective restaurant branding is the difference between longevity and the collapse of an owner’s livelihood. To some extent, every restaurant owner wants to see their establishment become part of their local identity. They want to be that place in town that locals tell visitors they MUST try while they’re here. You can’t get there, though, without a good strategy.

The Missing Pieces of a Restaurant Branding Strategy

Interior of restaurantYou’ll notice that the headline says “missing pieces” instead of “essential pieces”. Yes, there is a reason for it. You may have the best burgers in town or a happy hour menu that’s to die for, but if no one’s coming through the doors what good does it do? The online aspect to any branding strategy (and that certainly includes restaurant branding) is what I see most often missing in the foodservice industry.

Why is this? It’s hard to say, but a likely contributing factor is business size. National corporations and growing businesses have marketing teams behind them. They may even have a full time branding guru in house. I’d be willing to wager that most non-franchised restaurant owners don’t have those resources at their disposal. Instead they circulate coupons or expensive print ads and hope for the best. Meanwhile, they are invisible to their local target markets online.
Forbes published a great article about these points here, and I recommend you give it a glance for more information.

Make Sure Your Primary Markets Can Find You Online

2,400 people are searching for the keyword ‘restaurants salt lake city’, and there is not a huge issue with competition for the ranking. To make the most of your online restaurant branding strategy, these consumers must see you on page one of Google.

This kind of organic traffic is going to be one of your largest primary markets. It’s imperative to your long term success that you use every page of your site to target similar keywords. While sometimes you see results in days, top rankings can take many months of hard work. Patience is key; your ranking will be worth it when you’ve doubled your revenue in 5 years.

To learn more about what SEO is and if professional SEO services are right for you on this step, follow the link.

Restaurant Branding in New Niche Audiences

You now have a site that’s pulling its weight, and a decent amount of visibility. Here’s where your restaurant branding strategy actually begins. Restaurant branding, really any type of branding, is all about giving your establishment a voice and a face in your industry. By far the easiest and most cost effective approach to doing this is blogging.

Implementing this effectively can literally change the game for your brand, especially when it comes time to expand or add locations. Blogs, just like the one you’re on now, are collections of content that’s written and optimized with a certain audience in mind.

website traffic conceptFirst and foremost, you are establishing your position of authority within your region or field of work by providing people with information they find entertaining or useful. This is called thought leadership. The result is almost always going to be a loyal customer base. It’s also incredibly easy to share blog content, which only enhances your reach. Once customers find your content, they can be directed through your site by hyperlinks until they land on your menu’s featured item or promotion. This is where your conversions are happening.

Another crucial aspect is targeting smaller, more specific markets. These markets will have a significantly lower amount of competition. This very piece is a great example of this technique. Part of what Premier SEO Services does is enhance the effectiveness of branding and strategic marketing. Because of this, I have to target phrases like “seo services” for example with my web pages.

With this blog post, however, I was able to target you: a random visitor looking for something very specific that I can provide. While Premier SEO Services does marketing and branding work for all types of businesses, I was able to reach a more specific market without competition from dozens of other blogs.

SEO Pyramid Shows The Use Of Keywords Links And OptimizingDo you do exclusive catering in your area? Target that market. Maybe you’ve got some incredible vegetarian or vegan options on your menu. You can target that market with your blog, too. ‘Long-tail’ keywords like “best vegan food (your city)” or “corporate catering (your city)” will be incredibly easy to get posts ranked for. Because of their specificity, they will typically have fewer bloggers competing for it. Your options are literally endless. Eventually, if you do it right, these posts can reach a much larger consumer base than a print ad can.

I Need Help With My Online Restaurant Branding Strategy

That’s fine, blogging is not for everyone. Additionally, most business owners do not have the time to put in to make it worthwhile. Luckily, as I mentioned before, outsourcing this work is very friendly to limited budgets. You can follow this link to learn about Premier SEO Services and what we can do to help your restaurant branding strategy.

Happy branding!

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